personal injury

Bicycle Accident

Understanding Bicycle Accidents in South Florida

Bicycle accidents can be devastating, leading to severe injuries and emotional trauma. At Your Injury Law Group, we recognize the unique challenges cyclists face on the road and are dedicated to securing the compensation you deserve. We are here to guide you through every step of your case with empathy and expertise

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Your Path to Recovery and Justice

From navigating insurance claims to representing you in court, we handle every aspect of your case with unwavering dedication. Our goal is to alleviate the burden on you, ensuring you receive the medical care, financial compensation, and justice you deserve. With a commitment to personalized service, we stand by your side every step of the way.

Common Bicycle Accident Cases


A black and white icon of a car on a white background.

When a motorist strikes a cyclist and flees the scene, victims are left vulnerable, facing both physical harm and the challenge of identifying the responsible party.

Vehicle Collisions

A man is riding a bike next to a van.

Often occurring at intersections when drivers fail to yield, these accidents can result in severe injuries for cyclists, who lack the protection of those in motor vehicles.

Right-Hook Accidents

A black and white drawing of a delivery truck on a white background.

These happen at intersections when a truck’s trailer cuts off a cyclist during a right turn. We investigate and hold responsible parties accountable to secure your compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What should I do immediately after a bicycle accident?

    First, ensure your safety by moving to a safe location if possible. Seek medical attention right away, even if injuries seem minor. Document the scene, gather contact information from witnesses, and report the accident to the police. Contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights.

    It’s also important to document the accident by taking photos, collecting witness information, and obtaining a copy of the police report. Afterward, consult with an experienced auto accident attorney at Your Injury Law Group who can guide you through the legal process and help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

  • Can I still file a claim if the driver who hit me fled the scene?

    Yes, you can file a claim even if the driver fled. Florida law allows you to pursue compensation through your own insurance policy or, in some cases, through other legal avenues. An experienced attorney can help you explore your options.

    In some cases, accidents occur due to the negligence of the trucking company, such as inadequate driver training or pushing drivers to exceed legal driving hours. Understanding the cause is critical to building a strong case and holding the responsible parties accountable.

  • How is fault determined in a bicycle accident?

    Fault in a bicycle accident is determined by investigating the circumstances of the collision, including the actions of both the cyclist and the driver. Evidence such as witness statements, traffic camera footage, and police reports are crucial in establishing who is at fault.

    It’s important to consult with an attorney who can evaluate your case, consider all these factors, and help you pursue the maximum compensation available.

  • I was hit and injured by an uninsured motorist. Can I still recover financially?

    What types of compensation can I receive after a bicycle accident?

    An experienced attorney can help you navigate this process and explore all potential avenues for compensation.

  • How long do I have to file a bicycle accident claim in Florida?

    In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim after a bicycle accident is typically four years from the date of the accident. However, it’s important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure all deadlines are met.

Our skilled legal team is here to provide the tailored support you need.

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